September 17, 2023
The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of “COFFEE” is- a sudden burst of energy!!! One may feel that caffeine makes you feel wide awake, it increases your reaction time and you feel more focused. When your biomechanical system is alert and active you are capable of producing greater force output through the nervous system and more specifically- powerfully create muscular contractions. Extension to this, caffeine can make you noticeably stronger
Should the knee go beyond the ankle in Yoga?? I have seen pictures of Iyengar Ji, Pattabhi Jois Ji, and Krishnamacharya Ji in asanas where their knees are far in front of the ankle. It was not something my teachers taught me. I questioned myself knee going beyond the ankle is it right or wrong? In yoga, we are taught that knees should never go beyond the ankle. E.g. in Utkatasana, Warrior I, and II
May 5, 2022
Why do we say Shanti thrice?
Why do we say Shanti thrice? Man’s life on earth is marked by many painful, unpleasant, and undesirable experiences. Sorrows, obstacles, troubles, and suffering (duhkha, tapa) are an inevitable part of life. Knowledge regarding their origin plus causes, and even categorization helps one minimize their effect, if not eradicate them. The scriptures usually call them Tapa-Traya (the three miseries). In Sanskrit, these are referred to as, Adhi-Daivikam, Adhi-Bhautikam, and Adhyatmikam. Three times recitation of Shanti
September 8, 2021
Yoga and Vegetarianism “You are what you EAT.” Yoga and Vegetarianism go in conjunction with each other. They both form a framework for physical and spiritual harmony. Many yogis choose to be vegetarians because they practice non-violence (Ahimsa). Ahimsa is one of the highest tenets of yoga philosophy. A vegetarian diet is free of needless cruelty, harm, and injustice. Be it to self, animals, plants, or Earth. Our emotions and well-being majorly depend on the
September 1, 2021
Yoga Poses Inspired By Nature Ancient yogis connected to nature on a deeper level. Names of yoga asanas are inspired by nature- mountains, trees, and especially animals. WHY? Most theories revolve around the idea that ancient yogis mimicked what they saw around them. In those times, they had several encounters with various animals. Maybe they were simply observing them. It appears that the ancient yogis found imitating animals to be an enlightening experience for both
August 17, 2021
Bhujangasana- Philosophical Aspect 1) Transition to a new phase Cobra has this majestic ability as a gift of shedding its skin. By shedding its skin, a cobra can transform and renew itself from time to time. We as humans have frequent changes and shifts in life. The archetype of the cobra teaches us to adapt ourselves in all situations. It inspires us to see inherent possibilities in every condition and accept all the challenges and
July 14, 2021
It’s Okay To Be Not Okay Have you ever felt the term “think positive” is overgeneralized? I’ve been there, and so has everyone else. You’re not alone in feeling less than okay. It’s just like getting a cold. It’s going to happen and, you can’t always prevent it. All you can do is take care of yourself until you get better. Amidst a tough time, at times to “focus on the bright side” just doesn’t
June 26, 2021
Harmony In Asymmetry An idea taught to yoga students- strive for symmetry and equivalence on both sides of the body. As a result, many yoga students view any asymmetries in their bodies as inherently problematic. Worrying about bodily asymmetries isn’t just limited to the realm of yoga. People believe the most symmetrical, balanced, and perfectly aligned tend to be more beautiful, acceptable and, desirable. Why do we aspire for symmetry? Most structures made by man
May 30, 2021
My Magic Carpet- My Yoga Mat Ashtanga Yoga Video My yoga mat is my “Magic Carpet” because when I’m on it, I discover places within me that I never knew existed. Besides, it helps me to navigate my inner world magically. I’m most calm and happiest during my practice. In this hectic world, my mat helps me maintain my sanity because that is my comfort place. I love to travel to far ends of the
May 20, 2021
Yoga Hip Openers-Emotions In Motion Emotional release is vital Our response when we feel threatened or experience a sudden jolt? We draw our knees to our chest and curl up into a fetal position for protection. If we hear some devastating news, we retreat to the fetal position. Then, we weep and guard ourselves. It is a natural part of the “fight or flight” stress response. The action of drawing the knees in, no matter